Work whenever you like – with YOUBAHN!
YOUBAHN is an agency that connects employers to students looking for a temporary job, based on a platform. All students that are registered to the platform are validated, and their skillset examined. This helps companies to fill in for temporary positions!
The campaign
How did YOUBAHN work with Join?
YOUBAHN found enthusiastic students!
By having multiple influencers spread the word about the app, they aimed to widen awareness of the application. Letting the influencers work a YOUBAHN job for a day made it very personal, and credible, for the followers!

Instagram was the most important channel
By having multiple influencers spread the word about the app, they aimed to widen awareness of the application. Letting the influencers work a YOUBAHN job for a day made it very personal, and credible, for the followers!
a student says
“Glad I saved up money to go on this trip. Luckily we have apps like YOUBAHN nowadays. They offer a variety of jobs for students, so making some extra money is easier!”

Like common Instagram users, the influencers spread the message about the application, and YOUBAHN saw a rise in app downloads. The visual content that was produced was suitable to use for YOUBAHN’s commercial purposes later!