How Ravensburger successfully combines traditional and modern marketing recources

Ravensburger offers a wide range of games, puzzles and other toys for children. You probably know the brand from your old days! Although Ravensburger is an age-old brand, it is very innovative in marketing.

The campaign

Try, learn and expand

The brand decided to set up a test campaign with a small budget and set up three collaborations. The enthusiasm of the influencers and the reactions they triggered by their followers made Ravensburger set up a next campaign with a higher budget.

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Types of influencers

-Family bloggers
-Family vloggers
-Mama influencers
-Primary school teachers

Influencer content


“We worked with multiple influencers for different channels and this worked really well. Especially the family vloggers were a big hit!”


Working with family bloggers, schoolteachers and other content creators as a supplement to traditional marketing activities works very well. Where one influencer vlogs about a gaming with the family, the other provides a photo in which the game is played in the classroom. The use of different channels led to enthusiastic responses!

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