A new week, so time for a new interview. This time we interviewed Esther Groenewoud, founder of wijntjesmetesther.nl . Maybe you’ve already guessed it, but Esther blogs about everything to do with wine. We talked about her blog, her view on influencers and her collaboration with Kaas.nl via Join.
Esther, could you tell us a little more about the idea behind starting your blog?
I’ve started my blog in June 2016. First of all because I really liked it to write and I have a passion for everything that has to do with wine. I love to share my expertise with other wine lovers.
How do you like being an influencer?
Honestly, I don’t see my myself as an influencer. I share what I like and what fits with my followers. My number one goal is not to influencer people, but to inform them. I wouldn’t do a collaboration because of my wide reach.

Now we use the word “influencer”, what do you think are the nice and less nice aspects of the work?
Less fun things that everyone has to deal with are the negative comments. There aren’t many, but there are people who think they know everything and write negative comments. My followers are diverse: one gets wine from the Albert Heijn and the other doesn’t. Because I have a wide audience I like to write about things for everyone.
How did you like the collaboration with Kaas.nl that you’ve done via our platform?
Yes, that fits perfectly with what I do. I love wine and cheese, those two together are a perfect match. The collaboration went very smoothly. I had a few questions, but the communication was easy and direct with Kaas.nl. I really like the platform, because everything is at one place. Everything is structured and clear from briefing to payment.
How do you see the future of your blog?
Very positive, I’ve just quit my job to blog full time. From now on, I’m going to put all my time and effort in my blog to create more content.